Going back to College! BYUI Professional Studies Major/ Social Media & Marketing & Child and Family Advocacy

 I am going back to school to finish my degree at age 59!

"Your Mom goes to College" Napoleon Dynamite!

One of my favorite Memes

In 1980, right after High School, I went to BYU Provo for a year. I came home for the summer to work and was going back up in the Fall...THEN, met my husband and it didn't work out for me to go back to finish at BYU. It was the best decision to marry Him so I never looked back. 

I decided that I would go to Cosmetology School instead at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, CA. I worked out of my home doing hair while raising our 5 amazing kids.

A few years ago, my daughter and I heard about the BYUI Pathways program and checked it out. We both knew it was perfect for us and we decided to go back to school to earn our degree! 

It has been one of the hardest things I've done, but yet so rewarding. I wish I had been able to finish back in the day when I was young, but it really doesn't matter. What matters, is that I finish what I started 39 years ago. It has been wonderful to do this with my daughter. I don't think I could have done it without her.

I am now a Grandma of 8 adorable Grandkids 8 and under! I work full time in sales from home and do my schooling in the afternoons and evenings. There's always interruptions and distractions in my life that make me wonder if this is worth it.

I am not intending on starting any new career or doing anything huge with my degree afterwards, other than becoming more educated and achieving my goal of getting my Bachelors degree! I also want to be an example to my kids and Grandkids that no matter how old we are, we can finish what we start and that getting an education is very important. So it will be worth it for those reasons. 

I run my husband's Business Facebook/Social Media Page and I am learning a lot about different things that I can do to help call attention to his website and reach more people. My intent is to create interesting content to post about our Financial Planning Firm to help bring in new business. 

I may even end up being more hip and cool with Social Media that my kids someday! ha-ha

Natalie LeBaron
My Husband and I hiked 
the Grand Canyon 
New Years Eve Day 12/31/20


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